6 Benefits of a Custom HR (Human Resources) Management System for Any Enterprise

What are the key elements of a successful business? Relevance of products or services offered, modern and reliable equipment, and of course employees. It’s vitally important to have a passionate and result-oriented team that would carry your company forward. But how to achieve such a goal? How to build a team that would be a perfect match for the organization? Of course, there is a variety of techniques and methods that may be introduced for gathering a dream team in your company. But still, it’s not enough just to attract first-rate specialists. Efficient management of the employees also makes its contribution, and much more significant than meets the eye. let’s discuss the custom human resources management (HRM) system, how it improves the efficiency of HR management, and why it’s a great solution not only for an employer, but for the employees as well.

Why Investing in Custom HRM Software Development is a Good Idea?

Businessmen are constantly looking for the best well-rounded solutions for their companies. And in the digital age it seems odd to use Excel tables to store the information about employees’ sick leaves and vacations, which is impractical and unsafe. For the efficient human resource management it’s important to have a more complex system where all the data about employees will be stored and accessible in several clicks. If you surf the Internet, you will come across a huge variety of already developed HRM systems. Well, let’s figure out if it makes sense to deal with a custom HRM software development or it’s better to purchase an off the shelf software.

Level of Customization

The software will be 100% customizable since developers will build it in accordance with your requirements. The only thing is that it’s necessary to formulate them correctly to avoid surprises.


The data containing the information concerning employees, HR processes (including salaries) are confidential. Such data breach may cost you much more than expenses for custom software development, and it’s not just the money. As the HRM system is built particularly for you and the data is owned by the company, the possibility of such incidents is minor.

Integration with Third-party Software

HRM can be used as an independent solution, but it also can be a module of other software. For example, if you use a custom ERP software, it’s possible to integrate an HRM module in the system. But of course this kind of solution will have certain limitations, so which option to choose depends on your business specifics.

Time & Money

It should be accepted as a fact that custom development of any software takes time and costs a bit more. Which is, basically, logical, since in case you opt for this option, the whole team from business analytics to developers will work on your project. But in the end you will gain a system that exactly meets your expectations and will yield benefits to your business down the road.

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Both Parties Gain Profit from Custom HRM System

It may seem that only a company gains benefits from the HRM system implementation. But in fact this kind of theory is completely unrealistic. In the article Must-have HR Management Modules for Efficient Automatization we went over benefits that companies gain when implementing the software. But let’s figure out why HRM system is useful for employees and their level of productivity, here are some points to prove that:

Employee Self-Service

Owing to this feature employees and managers are able to manage their records themselves. For example, they have a possibility to track payroll, check status of leave request, and other services in the system with no need to reach out to the HR manager. Therefore, such minor things will not take employees’ and HR managers’ precious time.

Centralized Storage of Data

Such a one-stop solution ensures easy access to data, which guarantees smooth positive experience for employees and HR managers.

Learning and Development

This module is equally beneficial for both parties: a company and its employees. A variety of learning programs and trainings stimulate the interest in personal and professional growth. Employees themselves may set the goals they intend to reach, and the system will reflect their achievements. Also, the system may provide recommendations in accordance with a particular specialist’s role, which simplifies the training program selection process.

HR managers also will be able to monitor the progress of the employees as all the data is stored in a system and accessible to all authorized users.

Screenshot from Employee Management System Case Study

Employees’ Satisfaction is an Important Component of Company’s Efficient Functioning

Indeed, at first sight it seems that HRM software was developed just to monitor the employees’ performance. Actually, this statement is truthful but not totally and completely. Of course, the employers need to maintain control over the inner processes of a company including the HR management because of the investments had been made and interest in the company’s growth and development. But in fact, implementation of HRM can also lead to the increase of employees’ satisfaction. How? Let’s discuss.

First of all, a few things about transparency of processes. It goes without saying that the employees prefer a transparent ecosystem where information is accessible and is not hidden from the staff. Such an approach allows team members to feel association with the company they work for. Also, when the data is stored in a single system and easily accessible just in several clicks, the employees appreciate the efforts the company put to make the workflows more smooth and less time-consuming.

Another important issue concerns a self-service feature. With it employees will have an opportunity to modify their personal data themselves, will have access to their performance reviews, reports, appraisals, leave requests and etc. All in all, it obviates the need to formulate and send requests to an HR team for employees, which, for its part, significantly reduces the burden on the HR team that has to deal with these requests.


As you can see from the written above, the introduction of the HRM system does some good not only to a company, but to its employees in equal parts. But still, even if the decision considering the system implementation is obvious, the question regarding its type remains open. There is no unequivocal answer to the question which software to choose: off-the-shelf or a custom solution. Each of the options has its strong and weak points, so everything really depends on your business specifics and on the goals you want to reach via the software implementation. But if you already have made a decision in favour of a custom solution, please contact us, our experienced team will be glad to build a software that would meet your requirements 100%.

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